Minor Locksmith's Works

Quick Contact

If you need more information about our manufacturing possibilities in the field of metal processing, please contact one of our salesmen:

Lumír Vavřina
Sales Manager
T: +420 466 099 070
M: +420 728 990 306

Mgr. Lucie Čapková
Sales Manager
T: +420 466 099 023
M: +420 724 028 999

Minor Locksmith's Works

small milling machine

Except big CNC automathic lathes and vertical milling centres we use for minor locksmith's jobs also wide variety of smaller, manually operated, machines. Large or complicated orders are made by specialized CNC centres placed in and operated by Toolworks Department. To process smaller or simple orders we use basic milling machines, centre lathes, drilling or riveting machines located straight in Assembly Hall. You can find more information about our equipment in chapter Production of Moulds and Tools - Toolworks Machines.