Vertical Milling Centre Tajmac MCFV 1260

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If you need more information about our manufacturing possibilities in the field of metal processing, please contact one of our salesmen:

Lumír Vavřina
Sales Manager
T: +420 466 099 070
M: +420 728 990 306

Mgr. Lucie Čapková
Sales Manager
T: +420 466 099 023
M: +420 724 028 999

Vertical Milling Centre Tajmac MCFV 1260

In 2016 we expanded our production possibilities in the field of milling by purchasing new vertical milling centre by Czech manufacturer - company Tajmac, model MCFV 1260. At this moment we dispose of 4 high productive milling machines. Detailed specification of this machine is available on manufacturer's website.

tajmac mcfv 1260